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- A certain S. Africian tribe has one custom that might well be introduced in this country. Considering long speeches injurious to the orator and the audience, they have an unwritten law that a public speaker must stand on one foot while addressing his listeners. As soon as the other foot touches the ground, the speech has ended!"
- "Stories from Speeches":The Complete Toastmaster by Herbert V.
- 1. Know the subject or decline the invitation.
- 2. Prepare carefully - your audience deserves the best.
- 3. Be sure your speech is easy to understand is presented in a logical manner.
- 4. Use iluustrations and points throughout your speech.
- 5. Don't ad lib.
- 6. Stay within your given time limit.
- 7. Don't be condescending to your audience.
- 8. Don't tell stories that may offend.
- 10. Show your enthusiasm!
- Look and feel your best.
- 1. Do not wear new clothes. Wear clothes that fit you comfortably and are appropriate for your audience and subject matter.
- 2. Do not wear out your voice befor a speech. To prevent a scratchy throat, use a humidifier the night before your sppech and / or drink hot tea.
- 3. Do not try a new hair style because it may not turn out the way you like.
- 4. Do not try out a new exercise program the day before an important speech, you may be sore and not feeling your best.
- 5. Do not go out partying the night before. Get plenty of rest so you'll look and feel
your best.
- 1. Physical Exercises: a. Swing your arms in figure eights. b. Tighten tense body parts , then relax them. c. Do head rolls. To the front, back and sides. d. Make funny faces to loosen facial muscles. e. Practice deep breathing techniques. A simple one is: inhale as you count 1-2-3-4 and exhale as you count: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Make your exhale twice as long as your inhale.
- 2. Mental Exercises: a. Picture a relaxing and serene scene in your mind.
- 3. Emotional / Spiritual Exercises: a. Picture the scared inner child inside of you actually away from the adult you. Tell your inner child that he/she is safe and as he/she watches the adult you give a speech he/she will learn to be confident when speaking. Explain that the adult you is his/hers role model. b. Say a prayer or an affirmation. c. Visualize yourself up in front of the audience giving an excellent speech. See your audience's faces light up and hear them cheering for you. Feel the confidence and strength exuding from you.