The Royal Clipper
As seen from a hilltop in Cadiz, Spain
9735 Views | 0 tips | User sharon | Created 01/11/2010 17:58
All Media
Microchipped Hotel Towels?
A sign in our hotel room in Civitavecchia, Italy. Who knew?
10403 Views | 0 tips | User sharon | Created 01/11/2010 17:54
A sign in our hotel room in Civitavecchia, Italy. Who knew?
10403 Views | 0 tips | User sharon | Created 01/11/2010 17:54
Mandatory Reading
Check out the book he is reading, this is from Granada in Spain
7283 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 01/11/2010 17:48
Check out the book he is reading, this is from Granada in Spain
7283 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 01/11/2010 17:48
Arabian Nights Participants
Hi there fellow over-nighters. Here is a picture from our Champagne toast. Cheers, BB
7515 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 31/10/2010 20:04
Hi there fellow over-nighters. Here is a picture from our Champagne toast. Cheers, BB
7515 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 31/10/2010 20:04
On the Royal Clipper Deck
The crew had their work cut our for them in the storm
8357 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 31/10/2010 15:50
The crew had their work cut our for them in the storm
8357 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 31/10/2010 15:50
The Clipper hits a Storm
This was a tropical storm that we sailed through for about 36 hours. Take your sea-sick pills before viewing.
7524 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 31/10/2010 15:37
This was a tropical storm that we sailed through for about 36 hours. Take your sea-sick pills before viewing.
7524 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 31/10/2010 15:37
what a brat!
I don't know, if this was my kid I may have to find a sidewalk to leave her on! The expression on her face at the end is perfect.
7944 Views | 0 tips | User shortcut | Created 24/10/2010 06:42
I don't know, if this was my kid I may have to find a sidewalk to leave her on! The expression on her face at the end is perfect.
7944 Views | 0 tips | User shortcut | Created 24/10/2010 06:42
Halloween stripper
Watch it, all the way to the end.
8371 Views | 0 tips | User | Created 24/10/2010 06:36
Watch it, all the way to the end.
8371 Views | 0 tips | User | Created 24/10/2010 06:36
Classic Huell Howser at the Mexican Border
Courtesy of Schlomo
7763 Views | 0 tips | User scroutch | Created 09/10/2010 20:53
Courtesy of Schlomo
7763 Views | 0 tips | User scroutch | Created 09/10/2010 20:53