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a poem I wrote when I was crying(Prayer also so bow and read when you read it)
9331 Views | 0 tips | User llamasrule123 | Created 27/05/2010 14:46
When Insults Had Class
Thanks to Linda for the input.
9311 Views | 0 tips | User sharon | Created 02/06/2010 14:31
True Friend
A letter to my friend that I hope she will read.Miranda this is for you!!!!!!!
9507 Views | 0 tips | User llamasrule123 | Created 04/06/2010 16:47
my friend
Savanna this is for you please read!!!
9778 Views | 0 tips | User llamachick911 | Created 05/06/2010 23:47
iTones at the 10 Year Party
This is a rough cut of the video for from the iSuppli 10 year party and the iTones debut
29598 Views | 0 tips | User aquaman | Created 05/06/2010 16:45
Funny Video Compilation
There are some funny bits in this video, and some dodgy bits :-)
6746 Views | 0 tips | User scroutch | Created 06/06/2010 14:03
Foster Brooks
One of the truly great comedians. And this is a classic.
7480 Views | 0 tips | User | Created 06/06/2010 21:46
people of walmart, thank you
Okay, I know the shirt has strings, and I’m no Louis Vuitton, but I’m pretty sure those strings weren’t designed to hang on for dear life.
6944 Views | 0 tips | User | Created 07/06/2010 06:43
people of walmart, thank you
Lets all take a minute to appreciate the irony of jamming the Healthy Choice down the back of your pants.
6400 Views | 0 tips | User | Created 07/06/2010 06:47
people of walmart, thank you
Did you look at that shirt before you put it on and honestly think it would fit, or did you put it on in 1997 when it did fit and just decided you were set for life?
8552 Views | 0 tips | User | Created 07/06/2010 06:51
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